What is Metallic Effect?

Furniture painted with a metallic effect (think champagne, gold or silver) give off that unmistakable lustre and brightens any home


What do you do when you want a modern, shiny look, but normal colours just don’t do it for you? We have just the solution for you.


Our Metallic Effect unlocks these possibilities for both metal (who knew!) and wooden furniture.


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What is Involved?

Our team of furniture painting specialists makes all the magic happen. All you need to do is tell us how you like your furniture to turn out, and leave the rest to us. Check out our portfolio to see what inspires you.


The Metallic Effect takes a lot of effort and skill to get right, but typically can be broken down into 4 main steps.


1. Preparatory Works
Prior to transforming furniture, it is essential to patch up any obvious cracks and gaps with wood putty (timber surfaces) or body filler (metal surfaces).


2. Sanding

In order to produce the finest finishing, the sanding process in any furniture repainting work is crucial. This step will be featured in each stage before applying any coat of paint.


We use specialised machinery to lightly sand your furniture piece before applying base coat, to smooth out the surface and eliminate any bumpiness.


After applying base coat, we again do light sanding prior to actual painting work.


Before applying a lacquer clear coat onto the top coat, we do one final, light sanding of the surface to ensure the actual finish will be smooth and pleasing to the eye.


3. Painting Works

We apply a base coat (solvent-based) after the first round of light sanding, which can either be roller-painted or spray-painted.
Then, after the base coat is allowed to dry, and surface is lightly sanded down again, the actual painting begins. For metallic finishes, 2-3 top coats are applied (allowing 1 to 2 hours of drying in between the coats), and must be spray-painted to produce a smooth, glossy surface. This results in a finish that is like-metal.


How polished and reflective your furniture look will then depend on the material of the surface (smoother or more even surfaces will achieve a more metal-quality finish).


4. Finishing
Finally, when all the painting and sanding is done, we will apply a lacquer clear coat (glossy or matt) to further enhance the look and feel of your furniture.

Finished Outcome


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Ready for a Furniture Makeover?